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Coaching vs therapy



Views both parties as naturally creative, resourceful and whole.

More apt to view clients from a medical model.

Does not diagnose or treat.

Diagnoses and treats.

Trained to work with functioning clients.

Trained to work with major mental illness.

Works with clients that are able to form an alliance and have common goals.

 Works with clients with entrenched problems.

Client the “expert”.

Therapist the “expert.”

Coach and clients on a peer basis.

 Hierarchical relationship.

Alliance designed by coach and client together.

Treatment plan largely designed by therapist.

Focus on evolving and manifesting potential.

Focus on healing and understanding.

Emphasis on present and future.

Emphasis on past and present.

Action and being oriented.

Insight oriented.

Strengths based, solution oriented.

Deficit model, problem oriented.

Explore actions and behaviours that manifest high self-esteem.

Explore genesis of behaviours that create low self-esteem.

Negative self-beliefs objectified as Saboteurs or Protective Parts (temporary obstacles)

Analyse and treat origins and historical roots of negative self-beliefs.

Coach and client ask: “What’s next / what now?”

Therapist and client ask: “Why and from where?”

Accountability and “homework” between sessions held as important.

Accountability less commonly expected.

Contact between sessionsfor accountability and “wins” expected.

Contact between sessions for crisis and difficulties only.

Uses coaching skills.

Uses therapy techniques.

Uses a “Discovery Session.

Uses a Diagnostic Interview / History.

Uses many skills similar to therapy.

Uses many techniques similar to coaching skills.

Works with the client’s whole life.

Works with client’s whole life.

May work with emotional material.

Often works with emotional material.

May work with trauma (depending on training)

Often works with trauma (depending on training).

Sometimes works with the body (depending on training / modality).

  1. Sometimes works with the body (depending on training / modality).

It should also be acknowledged that the difference between some types of therapy and personal coaching aren’t always clear-cut. Many therapists are “coach-like” in their orientations and the two do share some common ground.

Both disciplines can be working with fully functioning individuals / couples who are facing difficult situations. Both professions focus on helping people make changes and accomplish goals.

Further resources:

Articles have been written on these topics in several coaching publications including Choice Magazine (, and the ICF has information about it.

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